Monday, March 1, 2010

Over a year

Its been over a year since I wrote on this blog hopefully I'll be able to keep up with it this time :D I'll start by posting a super rough draft of a free verse poem/spoken word I've been workingon. My goal for this poem was to make it LONG! so here it is......Let me know what you think! honestly :) I could use any input i can get.

10 years ago we committed an act
A passionate act of love.
No words were spoken,
but a vow was made.
Its been 10 years but the words still linger on my mind.
But you, you're nowhere to be found.
Skipped out of our universe like a stone across a placid lake
Your ripples reekinghavic on the divine shores.
you left us behind.
didn't glance back.
What happened to our unspoken vow?
The fateful night 10 years ago was full of lust
love overflowed my glass.
The act flowed as easily as the stream down green mountain sides.
Let me take you back to that night
10 years ago
Just like the millions of tiny stars overwhelm the night sky
your sweek scent overwhelms my lungs as I draw a deep breath in.
I draw you closer to feel the rise and fall of your chest on my palm
Like a strawberry with its seeds
My tender kisses begin to freckle your skin.
Passion takes over your body as you run your fingers through my hair.
your hands like the wind_____ through lavender fields- 'fields of lavender'
wanting to touch every strand and never let go
our anticipation rising exponentially with every second that passes
like a waterfall, intensity rises with every inch as your hands slowly run down my sides
A ripple of emotions run through my body, like the ripples of water in a pond
I crave for your touch like a bee craves the sweet taste of honey
Looking into your eyes I see not two simple things
But rather many parts of your soul
Like the Sassafras tree the true beauty lies hidden in its tiny yellow flowers that make up its whole
For a moment I get lost in all that you are
Your smooth skin sensually skims across mine
treating me like the cream colored perfection that are the Magnolia petals
THe warmth of our bodies and hearts fill the room like the soft amber glow of a fire
Like the light wispy clouds envelop the regal peaks of patagonia you delicatly caresses my face
Chills as cold as the ice blue glaciers run up my spine
your body, the powerful waves of the ocean, repeatedly crash into me, the shore
Two halves become one
For a brief moment my body feels elevated and i become one of my fellow redwoods reaching for the bright blue sky
We get lost in every spiritual, exciting and erotic part of the moment
Like an avalanche running down the mountain side pleasure runs through my body
Saturating every ounce of my being
My body can't handle any more of this addictive drug
A scream lets out the volcanic energy as my toes curl under
Looking through the hubble telescope the dark sky reviels the magic of the butterfly nebula
spreading its lacey violet wings trillions of miles across the dark expanse
You were my telescope
Your gentle kisses bring me back to earth with the same tranquility 'leaves contain when falling from a tree' - 'as a falling leave'
The weight of your body comforts me
Dun dun dun dun of your heart like raindrops on my window, soothe my soul
Since that night I have never experienced such a strong soothing feeling
or amazing connection
Its been 10 years
10 years since...
We made the dexision for no protection.
we were both ready
and if you weren't you sure fooled me
no protection
But somethingelse came with that decision
we never sat down and talked about
the vow
But its presence was known
we made an unspoken vow
one that would last and last
atleast it was supposed to
Nine months later
sitting in the waiting room
excitment in the air was so crisp
if bitten into an indulgent crunch would reverberate
throughout the walls like a child bitting into a fresh picked peapod
For about 7 years our house was flooded with love and smiles
slowly but surely nerves became rattled
we asked less questions
touched less
cared less
respected less
Constantly our relationship became more and more transparent
soon it was as fragile as dragonfly wings
with any strong wind or single raindrop ready to tear
There were nights I would lay awake next to you
but feel oceans away
many hours I would spend wondering how we got here
How did we transition from the passion, the sensual touch, the addictive drug of pleasure
to here
Constantly yearning for more
But everytime I reach out my hand draws back empty air
Although thy heart would ache if I let you go
(i could do it)-say more elequintly
But what happened to our vow?
The words we never spoke, but would enlace us with a responsibility greater than any ever before felt, for a minimum of 18 years
When we committed our erotic rendevouz we became the second most important
we gave up the right to make decisions based on whats right for us
our responsibility is to them
What is best for our children?
We made the unspoken vow
and eversince each made decision, each action, each act of kindness should have been in the interest of our precious children
In times this means we must sacrifice our wants
They come first in everyway
At somepoint you let our vow sail away
And here I sit n the dock counting the waves which pass by
which one will bring you round?
Ever since i could remember I have been an independent soul
I contain the ability to take care of myself
And have gained the strength to lift m childrens hearts up to their dreams
we can make it alone.
But we shouldnt have to make due
10 years ago,
we made a vow
an unspoken vow but its strength runs deep in our souls
we must put ourselves aside and focus on them
give them the opportunity to live in a house emitting protection, trust, fun....(add more to build pace)
Together we have to give them the confidence that their dreams can be reality
Our responsibility lies in them
Without your presence they are living in constant deficiency
Getting you to remember the words we never spoke is beyond my control
I can not clip the wings upon which you soar
I can only hope that one day the words will resonate in your ears
haunt you at night
leave you with many a sleepless night and restless days
(until you remember where your responsibility lies)-say different
For 10 years ago
your sweet sent overwhelmed my body
I drew you closer
passion took over your body
waterfalls ran down my sides
chills ran up my spine
the waves of the ocean crashed onto my shores
you were my telescope to my out of body experience
and the rain beating on my windo bringing me back to earth
You were the cosigner to our unspoken vow
that vow will never dissolve
never surrender
(now we are just waiting for your return)-say it profound
Please leave any input.......I love praise but constructive critism is great as well :D
p.s. spelling, and grammer always come last for me so dont worry about that!